- How can we help you -

Do you need legal advice and/or support in national or international matters?
Would you like to seek or establish a business relationship abroad?
We can work for you in out-of-court as well as in-court disputes!

With us you are right. Please contact us.

Key Features

This is only a small list of the core competence areas, but by no means represents our entire range of activities.

Kriminal Law

If you are accused of a crime, you should get in touch as soon as possible, in any case before being summoned for questioning or during/after a possible house search. The earlier you have a defense strategy, the better it will be for the outcome of your case.

Employment Law

Do you want to cancel and comply with the legal requirements? Do you want to be transferred to another job? You don t know all your requirements? Not only German labor law is complex and confusing.

Real Estate Law

Regardless of whether you want to buy a property for your own use or as a financial/asset investment, or whether you are looking for a buyer for your property - before you get caught up in complicated legal relationships, legal advice is most likely cheaper.

Commercial & Corporate Law 

From the founding of your company to the sale or the regulation of the successor, legal advice is advantageous and recommended. Branches abroad are often much more complicated than you think. The development of new sales channels requires not only special expertise, but also connections

Banking- & Capital Markets Law

Did you experience the last financial and banking crisis? Lost a lot of money without knowing where and how to recover at least a partial replacement? Specialist knowledge is also required here, especially in the case of incorrect investment advice and out-of-court negotiations.

Lawfirm Schaumlöffel (EN)Created with Sketch.
Traffic Law              (incl. Accidents)

In the event of an accident at home or abroad, you should never be left alone. In order to recognize the extent of your claims for damages, our legal advice is recommended

How You Can Find Us

Lutrinastr. 22
D-67655 Kaiserslautern

 +49 (0) 631 / 64 06 -1 < TEL
 +49 (0) 631 / 64 06 -3 < FAX
